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Woven Reinforcement Geotextiles

Woven Reinforcement Geotextile

US Fabrics offers a wide variety of woven reinforcement geotextiles for applications requiring strengths in excess of our typical woven stabilization and separation products. Woven reinforcement geotextiles offer maximum performance for weak subgrades by providing excellent creep performance and high tensile modulus.

High Strength, Excellent Hydraulic Properties

They offer strength sufficient for critical applications such as embankments, sludge caps, bridging soft soils, bridge abutments and mechanically reinforced retaining walls. The majority of these products also offer excellent hydraulic characteristics, resulting in a reduction of saturated fills and subgrades. 

While most reinforcement geotextiles are very close to having equal Wide Width Tensile Strength in both directions; several of our products offer true bi-axial strength. These are US 3600/3600, US 4800, US 4800/30, US 5280 & US 7200/7200. For even stronger biaxial woven geotextiles, refer to our Woven High Strength Polyester Geotextiles.

  • Woven Reinforcement Geotextiles
  • True Bi-Axial Woven Fabrics
  • Separation & Stabilization Applications
  • Haul Roads
  • Bridging Soft Soils
  • Bridge Abutments
  • Embankments


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