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Instruction On Use Of Premium & Standard Tools

There is a wealth of information on our website about geotextiles and geosynthetics. While this guide includes some of that information, it cannot encompass the broad amount of information our website places at your fingertips. Here are a few specific features that make our website unique (some features require setting up a free on-line account): 

Menu Header


Access all of our product data sheets from the drop-down menu.


This feature is very helpful for quickly determining which US Fabrics’ product has the same or similar properties to a competitors’ product. It includes manufacturers no longer in business and products no longer in production. There is nothing this comprehensive anywhere on the internet!

  • "View Comparison” For specific products in our “Find Our Equivalent” results, an additional button creates a side-by-side property comparison with the appropriate US Fabrics’ product. You can then create a .pdf and save it to forward to an engineer or customer for approval.


This drop-down menu places a ton of pertinent information at your fingertips, including:

  • Freight This page offers extensive information on the shipping and handling of geotextiles to help you and your customers better understand how they arrive at the jobsite or facility. Make sure to check out the “Truckload Calculator” to get a good idea how much space your rolls will require in an enclosed van.
  • “Installation Guidelines” We offer product specific installation instructions for many of our products. You can choose one here. These will also show up at the bottom of many of our website product pages.
  • “Additional Helpful Information”
    • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) • Application Pages • Shipping & Packaging Information.


This feature is found on the Freight page, Select the product, size and number of rolls to determine how much space your order will require on an enclosed van.

Truckload Calculator


This tool allows you to compare the properties of multiple brands and types of geosynthetics side by side. Choose the products you wish to compare and then print or save a .pdf of the comparison! No other geosynthetics’ company website has this powerful tool.

Universal Product Comparison


This section can be accessed by clicking on the “DOT/Specs” tab in the gray menu near the top of the page. This page has links to selection guides for all the national specifications (AASHTO, FHWA, NRCS, DOT etc.).

Agencies & Specifications


Also accessed by clicking on the “DOT/Specs” tab, this link forwards you to the “State DOT Specifications” page with a listing of all 50 State flags. Clicking on the appropriate flag will forward you to a page that lists our products that meet that state’s specifications, along with links to the specifications, approved products’ list and other helpful information.


Creating a free on-line account allows you access to additional tools not available to our standard website users. Clicking on the green “account” button offers a drop down with the options, you can also choose "dashboard" to display all the options.

US Fabrics Dashboard


If you have an existing specification you are trying to meet, this feature allows you to choose each property listed in the specification from a drop-down menu and enter the values listed in the specification. As you add values, the list of product options will narrow. If you reach a point where no options are presented, please call US Fabrics to determine if any currently available geotextiles will meet the values required.

US Fabrics Tools


This feature offers a drop-down menu of common applications to assist you in determining the product(s) recommended for your application. This is a first step to help narrow down your product options from our complete line to a less broad list of products recommended for the selected application.

Application Finder


Create project specific binders to organize information from our website/app as well as any additional files you have stored on your computer. You will notice that most US Fabrics' website pages or documents offer an "Add to Binder" button. Clicking on this will offer a drop down menu of the various Project Folders you have created. Click on the intended binder and that information will be automatically placed into that binder. Or you can "drop and drage" from your computer. Below are instructions on using the Project Binder:

  • Click on "Create Binder" to name the project binder.

Create Binder

  • The new binder will be added to your list of project binders.

My Project Binder

  • Drag and drop the documents you want to place in the folder from any file on your computer.

Project Binder Example


Once you have ordered from US Fabrics, you can request that order and all future orders be linked to your account and listed in your dashboard.

My Orders

Apple iOS & Google Android

The world is changing. Folks rely more and more on their smartphones to access important information, communicate and perform their job. While our website is mobile compatible, APPS are a much more efficient and easy way to access website information via smartphone. With that in mind, US Fabrics developed the FIRST APP in the geosynthetic industry.

Our APP puts access to the industry’s best website and most comprehensive line of geosynthetic products at your fingertips. Whether you’re in your office, at the jobsite or somewhere else, quickly and conveniently access our expansive geosynthetic information and products. The USF APP includes powerful tools that are not available anywhere else in the geosynthetic industry. And it’s free!

Search for US Fabrics in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, download the APP, then create an account.
The APP allows you to access all the great information and tools on our website from your phone!

US Fabrics App


• “Product Finder Tool”
• “Application Finder Tool”
• “Product Binder Tool”• “Universal Product Comparison Tool”
• “Agencies & Specifications”
• “Product Data Sheets and Other Helpful Information”
• “Quote Request / Contact an Expert”
• “Shipping – Order Updates Pushed Directly to Your Phone!”

Need Help Writing Specifications?
Download our free Guide to Better Geotextile Specifying. ** UPDATED 2024 **
An Expert's Manual for Distributors
Download our free Distributor's Manual on Geosynthetics & Geotextiles. This 49 page manual is packed with useful tips and quick reference materials. ** UPDATED 2024 **
Contractor's Application Guide
Download our free Contractor's Guide for the most effective ways to use geosynthentics. ** UPDATED 2024 **